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Neuromuscular diseases

In neuromuscular diseases, such as Duchenne disease, Becker disease and Myotone dystrophy, something goes wrong in the control of the muscles. Certain proteins play a role here. Relatively new is the discovery that these proteins have a specific function in brain regions that deal with memory, automating learning skills (reading and arithmetic) and behavior.

Thanks to improved medical care and technology, the quality of life and life expectancy of children with a neuromuscular disease has improved considerably. So much so, that a future that includes studying, working and living independently becomes an option. So that optimal treatment or care can be offered, it is important to timely signal and examine learning and behavioral problems.

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Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1)

Neurofibromatosis type 1, also called Recklinghausen’s disease, is a so-called neurocutane disorder that involves the nervous system – and therefore the brain – and the skin. Children and youths with NF-1 may have trouble reading, writing and arithmetic. Functions such as the memory, attention and motor skills play a role. They can have impaired visual-spatial perception and skills, such as planning, problem-solving, concentration, coping and controlling emotions, motor coordination, language and visual perception.