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Sebastiaan Overeem

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prof. dr. S. (Sebastiaan) Overeem

Somnoloog Sebastiaan Overeem richt zich naast de algemene slaapgeneeskunde vooral op neurologische slaapstoornissen, met specifieke aandacht voor narcolepsie en slaapproblematiek bij de ziekte van Parkinson.

Daarnaast coördineert hij het wetenschappelijk onderzoek van het Centrum voor Slaapgeneeskunde. Het wetenschappelijk onderzoek vindt plaats in nauwe samenwerking met de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, waar hij is aangesteld als hoogleraar op de leerstoel 'Advanced Sleep Monitoring’. Het doel van de onderzoekslijn is het ontwikkelen van innovatieve methoden van slaaponderzoek, zowel in de kliniek als in de thuissituatie. Het onderzoek is ingebed in e/MTIC, het in 2018 geëffectueerde samenwerkingsverband tussen de TU/e, Philips, het Catharina Ziekenhuis, het Máxima Medisch Centrum en Kempenhaeghe, zie

Sebastiaan Overeem ondersteunt jonge onderzoekers als promotor en is een veelgevraagd spreker voor congressen in binnen- en buitenland. Hij publiceerde meer dan 220 wetenschappelijke artikelen en voert met Paul Reading de redactie over het internationale standaardwerk ‘Sleep Disorders in Neurology: a Practical Approach’.


  • Narcolepsie
  • Hypersomnie
  • Slaapstoornissen bij de ziekte van Parkinson
  • Technologische ontwikkeling van slaaponderzoek

Publicaties *

  • laatste 2 jaar, maandelijkse update

When the Clock Strikes A-fib

Auteurs: van den Broek JLPM, Gottlieb LA, Vermeer JR, Overeem S, Dekker LRC
Reeks: JACC Clin Electrophysiol. 2024 Aug;10(8):1916-1928. doi: 10.1016/j.jacep.2024.05.035. Epub 2024 Jul 31
Datum: 28-08-2024
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Measurement of cardia-respiratory dynamics during sleep arousals with a suprasternal pressure sensor

Auteurs: Cerina L, Papini G, Fonseca P, Overeem S, Vullings R
Reeks: IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA) 2024: 26-28 June
Datum: 29-07-2024
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Cognitive complaints in patients with untreated obstructive sleep apnea versus patients with neurological and respiratory diseases: prevalence, severity and risk factors

Auteurs: Vaessen T, Mark RE, De Baene W, Gehring K, Overeem S, Sitskoorn MM
Reeks: Sleep Breath. 2024 May 18. doi: 10.1007/s11325-024-03056-7. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 18-05-2024
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Single-channel EOG sleep staging on a heterogeneous cohort of subjects with sleep disorders.

Auteurs: van Gorp H, van Gilst MM, Overeem S, Dujardin S, Pijpers A, van Wetten B, Fonseca P, van Sloun RJG.
Reeks: Physiol Meas. 2024 Apr 23. doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/ad4251. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 23-04-2024
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Estimating the severity of obstructive sleep apnea using ECG, respiratory effort and neural networks

Auteurs: Fonseca P, Ross M, Cerny A, Anderer P, Schipper F, Grassi A, van Gilst M, Overeem S
Reeks: IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2024 Mar 29;PP. doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2024.3383240. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 29-03-2024
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Multi-night home assessment of sleep structure in OSA with and without insomnia

Auteurs: Wulterkens BM, Den Teuling NGP, Hermans LWA, Asin J, Duis N, Overeem S, Fonseca P, van Gilst MM
Reeks: Sleep Medicine 2024; 117: 152-161. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2024.03.031
Datum: 27-03-2024
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Maximum a-posteriori detection of heartbeats from a chest-worn accelerometer

Auteurs: Schipper F, van Sloun RJG, Grassi A, Brouwer J, van Meulen F, Overeem S, Fonseca P
Reeks: Physiol Meas. 2024 Mar 21;45(3): 035009 doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/ad2f5e
Datum: 21-03-2024
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Slaan en schreeuwen in de slaap [Hitting and yelling during sleep: diagnosis and implications of REM sleep behavior disorder]

Auteurs: van Dijk KD, Darweesh SKL, van den Heuvel OA, Overeem S, van der Werf YD, Pijpers WCTM
Reeks: Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2024 Feb 8 168 D7711.
Datum: 08-02-2024
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Match and Mismatch between Lived Experiences of Daytime Sleepiness and Diagnostic Instruments: A Qualitative Study amongst Patients with Sleep Disorders

Auteurs: Verhoef VTR, Smolders KCHJ, Remmelswaal L, Peeters G, Overeem S, de Kort YAW
Reeks: Clocks Sleep. 2024 Jan 5;6(1):24-39. doi: 10.3390/clockssleep6010003
Datum: 05-01-2024
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Deep Transfer Learning for Automated Single-Lead EEG Sleep Staging with Channel and Population Mismatches

Auteurs: Van Der Aar JF, Van Den Ende DA, Fonseca P, Van Meulen FB, Overeem S, Van Gilst M, Peri E
Reeks: Frontiers in Physiology 2024 Jan 5, 14, 1287342. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1287342
Datum: 05-01-2024
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Temporal dynamics of awakenings from slow-wave sleep in non-rapid eye movement parasomnia

Auteurs: Huijben IAM, van Sloun RJG, Hoondert B, Dujardin S, Pijpers A, Overeem S, van Gilst MM
Reeks: J Sleep Res. 2023 Dec 9:e14096. doi: 10.1111/jsr.14096. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 09-12-2023
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Performance of cardiorespiratory-based sleep staging in patients using beta blockers

Auteurs: Hermans L, van Meulen F, Anderer P, Ross M, Cerny A, van Gilst M, Overeem S, Fonseca P
Reeks: J Clin Sleep Med. 2023 Dec 8. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.10938. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 08-12-2023
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Heart rate response to cortical arousals in patients with isolated obstructive sleep apnea and with comorbid insomnia (COMISA)

Auteurs: Wulterkens BM, Hermans LWA, Fonseca P, Janssen HCJP, van Hirtum PV, Overeem S, van Gilst MM
Reeks: Sleep Breath. 2023 Dec 7. doi: 10.1007/s11325-023-02954-6. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 07-12-2023
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Studying Sleep: Towards the Identification of Hypnogram Features that Drive Expert Interpretation

Auteurs: van der Woerd C, van Gorp H, Dujardin S, Sastry M, Garcia Caballero H, van Meulen F, van den Elzen S, Overeem S, Fonseca P
Reeks: Sleep. 2023 Dec 1:zsad306. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsad306. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 01-12-2023
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A multi-task learning model using RR intervals and respiratory effort to assess sleep disordered breathing

Auteurs: Xie J, Fonseca P, van Dijk J, Overeem S, Long X
Reeks: BioMedical Engineering OnLine (Preprint, Under Review) 10-11-2023
Datum: 10-11-2023
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Combining Cardiorespiratory Signals and Video-Based Actigraphy for Classifying Preterm Infant Sleep States

Auteurs: Zhang D, Peng Z, Van Pul C, Overeem S, Chen W, Dudink J, Andriesen P, Aarts RM, Long X
Reeks: Children. Nov 7; 10(11): 1792. doi:10.3390/children10111792
Datum: 07-11-2023
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Skin temperature as a predictor of on-the-road driving performance in people with central disorders of hypersomnolence

Auteurs: Vael VEC, Bijlenga D, Schinkelshoek MS, van der Sluiszen NNJJM, Remmerswaal A, Overeem S, Ramaekers JG, Vermeeren A, Lammers GJ, Fronczek R
Reeks: J Sleep Res. 2023 Sep 18:e14045. doi: 10.1111/jsr.14045. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 18-09-2023
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Autonomic arousal detection and cardio-respiratory sleep staging improve the accuracy of home sleep apnea tests

Auteurs: Ross M, Fonseca P, Overeem S, Vasko R, Cerny A, Shaw E, Anderer P
Reeks: Front Physiol. 2023 Aug 24;14:1254679. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1254679
Datum: 24-08-2023
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A sleep stage estimation algorithm based on cardiorespiratory signals derived from a suprasternal pressure sensor

Auteurs: Cerina L, Overeem S, Papini GB, van Dijk JP, Vullings R, van Meulen F, Ross M, Cerny A, Anderer P, Fonseca P
Reeks: J Sleep Res. 2023 Aug 12:e14015. doi: 10.1111/jsr.14015. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 12-08-2023
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Modeling the Impact of Inter-Rater Disagreement on Sleep Statistics using Deep Generative Learning

Auteurs: van Gorp H, van Gilst MM, Fonseca P, Overeem S, van Sloun RJG
Reeks: IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2023 Aug 10;PP. doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2023.3304010. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 10-08-2023
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Speckle Vibrometry for Instantaneous Heart Rate Monitoring

Auteurs: Que S, van Meulen F, Verkruijsse W, van Gastel M, Overeem S, Zinger S, Stuijk S
Reeks: Sensors (Basel). 2023 Jul 11;23(14):6312. doi: 10.3390/s23146312
Datum: 11-07-2023
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FlexEvent: going beyond Case. Centric Exploration and Analysis of Multivariate Event Sequences

Auteurs: van der Linden S, Wulterkens BM, van Gilst MM, Overeem S, van Pul C, Vilanova A, van den Elzen S
Reeks: Comput Graph Forum. 2023 Jun 27; 42(3) 161-172 doi: 10.1111/cgf.14820
Datum: 27-06-2023
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The Use of Respiratory Effort Improves an ECG-Based Deep Learning Algorithm to Assess Sleep-Disordered Breathing

Auteurs: Xie J, Fonseca P, van Dijk JP, Long X, Overeem S
Reeks: Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Jun 23;13(13):2146. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13132146
Datum: 23-06-2023
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Occipital hypometabolism is a risk factor for conversion to Parkinson's disease in isolated REM sleep behaviour disorder

Auteurs: Carli G, Meles SK, Janzen A, Sittig E, Kogan RV, Perani D, Oertel WH, Leenders KL; REMPET Working Group
Reeks: Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2023 Jun 13. doi: 10.1007/s00259-023-06289-y. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 13-06-2023
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Automated sleep staging in people with intellectual disabilities using heart rate and respiration variability

Auteurs: van den Broek N, van Meulen F, Ross M, Cerny A, Anderer P, van Gilst M, Pillen S, Overeem S, Fonseca P
Reeks: J Intellect Disabil Res. 2023 Jun 8. doi: 10.1111/jir.13060. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 08-06-2023
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A computationally efficient algorithm for wearable sleep staging in clinical populations

Auteurs: Fonseca P, Ross M, Cerny A, Anderer P, van Meulen F, Janssen H, Pijpers A, Dujardin S, van Hirtum P, van Gilst M, Overeem S
Reeks: Sci Rep. 2023 Jun 6;13(1):9182. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-36444-2.
Datum: 06-06-2023
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The Burden of Narcolepsy in Adults: A Population Sampling Study Using Personal Media

Auteurs: Quaedackers L, Van Gilst MM, Van Den Brandt I, Vilanova A, Lammers GJ, Markopoulos P, Overeem S
Reeks: Behav Sleep Med. 2023 May 29:1-11. doi: 10.1080/15402002.2023.2217971. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 29-05-2023
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Narcolepsy risk loci outline role of T cell autoimmunity and infectious triggers in narcolepsy

Auteurs: Ollila HM, Sharon E, Lin L, Sinnott-Armstrong N, Ambati A, ....Overeem S [et al]
Reeks: Nat Commun. 2023 May 15;14(1):2709. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-36120-z
Datum: 15-05-2023
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Aleatoric uncertainty estimation of overnight sleep statistics through posterior sampling using conditional normalizing flows

Auteurs: van Gorp H, Van Gilst MM, Fonseca P, Overeem S, Van Sloun RJG
Reeks: ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP); 4-10 June 2023. 1-5
Datum: 05-05-2023
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A deep-learning approach to assess respiratory effort with a chest-worn accelerometer during sleep.

Auteurs: Schipper F, van Sloun RJG, Grassi A, Overeem S, Fonseca P.
Reeks: Biomed Signal Process Control. 2023 May;83: 104726. doi: 10.1016/j.bspc.2023.104726. Epub 2023 Feb 24.
Datum: 24-02-2023
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Voorspellende dromen: het belang van goede herkenning en diagnostiek van REM-slaapgedragsstoornis

Auteurs: Dijk KD van, Heuvel OA van den, Overeem S, Werf YD van der, Pijpers A
Reeks: Tijdschr Neurol Neurochir 2023 124(1) 4�12
Datum: 22-02-2023
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Sleep structure in patients with COMISA compared to OSA and insomnia

Auteurs: Wulterkens BM, Hermans LWA, Fonseca P, Asin J, Duis N, Janssen HCJP, Overeem S, van Gilst MM.
Reeks: J Clin Sleep Med. 2023 Feb 6. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.10500. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 06-02-2023
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Interpretation and further development of the hypnodensity representation of sleep structure.

Auteurs: Huijben IAM, Hermans LWA, Rossi AC, Overeem S, van Gilst MM, van Sloun RJG
Reeks: Physiol Meas. 2023 Jan 17;44(1). doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/aca641
Datum: 17-01-2023
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Contactless camera-based sleep staging: the Healthbed study.

Auteurs: van Meulen FB, Grassi A, van den Heuvel L, Overeem S, van Gilst MM, van Dijk JP, Maass H, van Gastel MJH, Fonseca P.
Reeks: Bioengieering 2023; 10(1): 109. doi: 10.3390/bioengineering10010109
Datum: 12-01-2023
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Extraction of cardiac-related signals from a suprasternal pressure sensor during sleep.

Auteurs: Cerina L, Papini GB, Fonseca P, Overeem S, van Dijk JP, Vullings R.
Reeks: Physiol Meas. 2023 Jan 06. doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/acb12b. Online ahead of print
Datum: 06-01-2023
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Psychomotor Vigilance Performance in Participants with Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Obstructive Sleep Apnea or Narcolepsy Compared with SAFTE-FAST Model Predictions

Auteurs: Devine JK, Schwartz L, Hursh S, Asin J, de Vries N, Vonk PE, Vermeeren A, Donjacour CEHM, Vinckenbosch F, Ramaekers JG, Janssen H, Wang G, Chen D, Carter LP, Overeem S, Lammers GJ
Reeks: Neurol Ther. 2022 Dec 10. doi: 10.1007/s40120-022-00425-w. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 10-12-2022
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Effects of solriamfetol on on-the-road driving in participants with narcolepsy: A randomised crossover trial.

Auteurs: Vinckenbosch F, Lammers GJ, Overeem S, Chen D, Wang G, Carter LP, Zhou K, Ramaekers JG, Vermeeren A
Reeks: Hum Psychopharmacol. 2022 Nov 24:e2858. doi: 10.1002/hup.2858. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 24-11-2022
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Can body position be arrhythmogenic?

Auteurs: van den Broek JL, Heydari S, Zhan Z, Sammali F, Overeem S, van den Heuvel ER, Dekker L
Reeks: Authorea Preprints; 2022. doi: 10.22541/au.166730410.01082676/v1
Datum: 01-11-2022
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Self-Organizing Maps for Contrastive Embeddings of Sleep Recordings

Auteurs: Huijben IAM, Nijdam AA, Hermans LWA, Overeem S, Van Gilst MM, Van Sloun RJG
Reeks: Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2022 Jul;2022:2945-2948. doi: 10.1109/EMBC48229.2022.9871236
Datum: 11-09-2022
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Certainty about Uncertainty in Sleep Staging; a Theoretical Framework.

Auteurs: van Gorp H, Huijben IAM, Fonseca P, van Sloun RJG, Overeem S, van Gilst MM.
Reeks: Sleep. 2022 Jun 8:zsac134. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsac134. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 08-06-2022
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Idling for Decades: A European Study on Risk Factors Associated with the Delay Before a Narcolepsy Diagnosis

Auteurs: Zhang Z, Dauvilliers Y, Plazzi G, Mayer G, Lammers GJ, Santamaria J, Partinen M, Overeem S, Del Rio Villegas R, Sonka K, Peraita-Adrados R, Heinzer R, Wierzbicka A, H�gl B, Manconi M, Feketeova E, da Silva AM, Bu�kov� J, Bassetti CLA, Barateau L, Pizza F, Antelmi E, Gool JK, Fronczek R, Gaig C, Khatami R
Reeks: Nat Sci Sleep. 2022 May 31;14:1031-1047. doi: 10.2147/NSS.S359980
Datum: 31-05-2022
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SOM-CPC: Unsupervised Contrastive Learning with Self-Organizing Maps for Structured Representations of High-Rate Time Series

Auteurs: Huijben IA, Nijdam AA, Overeem S, van Gilst MM, van Sloun RJ
Reeks: arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.15875. [Preprint, not yet peer reviewd!]
Datum: 31-05-2022
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Effects of solriamfetol on on-the-road driving performance in participants with excessive daytime sleepiness associated with obstructive sleep apnoea

Auteurs: Vinckenbosch F, Asin J, de Vries N, Vonk PE, Donjacour CEHM, Lammers GJ, Overeem S, Janssen H, Wang G, Chen D, Carter LP, Zhou K, Vermeeren A, Ramaekers JG
Reeks: Hum Psychopharmacol. 2022 May 28:e2845. doi: 10.1002/hup.2845. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 28-05-2022
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Hypocretin-1 measurements in cerebrospinal fluid using radioimmunoassay: within and between assay reliability and limit of quantification

Auteurs: van der Hoeven AE, van Waaij K, Bijlenga D, Roelandse FWC, Overeem S, Bakker JA, Fronczek R, Lammers GJ
Reeks: Sleep. 2022 May 5:zsac103. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsac103. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 05-05-2022
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Data-Driven Phenotyping of Central Disorders of Hypersomnolence With Unsupervised Clustering

Auteurs: Gool JK, Zhang Z, Oei MS, Mathias S, Dauvilliers Y, Mayer G, Plazzi G, Del Rio-Villegas R, Cano JS, �onka K, Partinen M, Overeem S, Peraita-Adrados R, Heinzer R, Martins da Silva A, H�gl B, Wierzbicka A, Heidbreder A, Feketeova E, Manconi M, Bu�kov� J, Canellas F, Bassetti CL, Barateau L, Pizza F, Schmidt MH, Fronczek R, Khatami R, Lammers GJ
Reeks: Neurology. 2022 Apr 18:10.1212/WNL.0000000000200519. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000200519. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 18-04-2022
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Usefulness of the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test in central disorders of hypersomnolence: a scoping review

Auteurs: Bijlenga D, Overeem S, Fronczek R, Lammers GJ
Reeks: Sleep. 2022 Apr 16:zsac091. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsac091. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 16-04-2022
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Intermediate hypocretin-1 cerebrospinal fluid levels and typical cataplexy: their significance in the diagnosis of narcolepsy type 1

Auteurs: van der Hoeven AE, Fronczek R, Schinkelshoek MS, Roelandse FWC, Bakker JA, Overeem S, Bijlenga D, Lammers GJ
Reeks: Sleep. 2022 Mar 7:zsac052. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsac052. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 07-03-2022
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Representations of temporal sleep dynamics: review and synthesis of the literature

Auteurs: Hermans LW, Huijben IA, van Gorp H, Leufkens TR, Fonseca P, Overeem S, van Gilst MM
Reeks: Sleep Med Rev. 2022 Feb 17;63:101611. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2022.101611. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 17-02-2022
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Validation of the Dutch translation of the Paris Arousal Disorders Severity Scale for NREM parasomnias in a one-year and one-month version

Auteurs: van Mierlo P, Hermans L, Arnulf I, Pijpers A, Overeem S, van Gilst M
Reeks: J Clin Sleep Med. 2021 Dec 17. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.9830. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 17-12-2021
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What is in a name? Definitions of insomnia in people with intellectual disabilities

Auteurs: van den Broek N, Festen D, Tan F, Overeem S, Pillen S.
Reeks: J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2021 Nov 11. doi: 10.1111/jar.12960. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 11-11-2021
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Comparing objective wakefulness and vigilance tests to on-the-road driving performance in narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia.

Auteurs: Bijlenga D, Urbanus B, van der Sluiszen NNJJM, Overeem S, Ramaekers JG, Vermeeren A, Lammers GJ.
Reeks: J Sleep Res. 2021 Nov 9:e13518. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13518. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 09-11-2021
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Interpreting softmax predictions of sleep stage classification models.

Auteurs: Huijben I, Hermans LW, Rossi AC, Overeem S, van Gilst MM, van Sloun, RJ
Reeks: 2021. Oct. 6. (This article is a preprint. Preprints have not been peer reviewed)
Datum: 06-10-2021
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PerSleep: A Visual Analytics Approach for Performance Assessment of Sleep Staging Models

Auteurs: Caballero HG, Corvo A, van Meulen F, Fonseca P, Overeem S, van Wijk JJ, Westenberg MA
Reeks: Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, VCBM 2021
Datum: 28-09-2021
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Camera-based objective measures of Parkinson's disease gait features

Auteurs: van Kersbergen J, Otte K, de Vries NM, Bloem BR, R�hling HM, Mansow-Model S, van der Kolk NM, Overeem S, Zinger S, van Gilst MM
Reeks: BMC Res Notes. 2021 Aug 26;14(1):329. doi: 10.1186/s13104-021-05744-z
Datum: 26-08-2021
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Sleep disorders and the hypothalamus

Auteurs: Overeem S, van Litsenburg RRL, Reading PJ.
Reeks: Handb Clin Neurol. 2021;182:369-385. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819973-2.00025-3
Datum: 17-07-2021
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Recognizing the Symptom Spectrum of Narcolepsy to Improve Timely Diagnosis: A Narrative Review

Auteurs: Quaedackers L, Pillen S, Overeem S.
Reeks: Nat Sci Sleep. 2021 Jul 7;13:1083-1096. doi: 10.2147/NSS.S278046
Datum: 07-07-2021
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It is All in the Wrist: Wearable Sleep Staging in a Clinical Population versus Reference Polysomnography

Auteurs: Wulterkens BM, Fonseca P, Hermans LW, Ross M, Cerny A, Anderer P, Long X, Van Dijk JP, Vandenbussche N, Pillen S, van Gilst MM, Overeem S
Reeks: Nature and Science of Sleep 2021 13 885-897. doi 10.2147/NSS.S306808
Datum: 04-05-2021
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Radar-based sleep stage classification in children undergoing polysomnography: a pilot-study

Auteurs: de Goederen R, Pu S, Silos Viu M, Doan D, Overeem S, Serdijn WA, Joosten KFM, Long X, Dudink J
Reeks: Sleep Med. 2021 Mar 29;82:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2021.03.022. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 01-04-2021
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Estimation of respiratory rate and effort from a chest-worn accelerometer using constrained and recursive principal component analysis

Auteurs: Schipper F, van Sloun RJG, Grassi A, Derkx R, Overeem S, Fonseca P
Reeks: Physiol Meas. 2021 Mar 18. doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/abf01f. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 18-03-2021
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Sleep-Wake Survival Dynamics in People with Insomnia

Auteurs: Hermans LW, Regis M, Fonseca P, Hoondert B, Leufkens TR, Overeem S, van Gilst MM
Reeks: Nat Sci Sleep. 2021 Mar 12;13:349-360. doi: 10.2147/NSS.S295699. eCollection 2021.
Datum: 12-03-2021
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Behavioural biometrics: Using smartphone keyboard activity as a proxy for rest-activity patterns

Auteurs: Druijff-van de Woestijne GB, McConchie H, de Kort YAW, Licitra G, Zhang C, Overeem S, Smolders KCHJ
Reeks: J Sleep Res. 2021 Mar 5:e13285. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13285. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 05-03-2021
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Dissociative Symptoms are Highly Prevalent in Adults with Narcolepsy Type 1.

Auteurs: Quaedackers L, Droogleever Fortuyn H, Van Gilst M, Lappenschaar M, Overeem S.
Reeks: Behav Sleep Med. 2021 Feb 17:1-11. doi: 10.1080/15402002.2021.1888729. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 17-02-2021
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On-the-road driving performance of patients with central disorders of hypersomnolence

Auteurs: van der Sluiszen NNJJM, Urbanus B, Lammers GJ, Overeem S, Ramaekers JG, Vermeeren A
Reeks: Traffic Inj Prev. 2021 Feb 5:1-13. doi: 10.1080/15389588.2020.1862804. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 05-02-2021
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Singular Value Decomposition for Removal of Cardiac Interference from Trunk Electromyogram

Auteurs: Peri E, Xu L, Ciccarelli C, Vandenbussche N, Xu H, Long Xi, Overeem S, Dijk JP van, Mischi M
Reeks: Sensors 2021 21(2) 573. doi 10.3390/s21020573
Datum: 15-01-2021
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Assessing sleep-wake survival dynamics in relation to sleep quality in a placebo-controlled pharmacological intervention study with people with insomnia and healthy controls

Auteurs: Hermans LWA, Regis M, Fonseca P, Overeem S, Leufkens TRM, Vermeeren A, van Gilst MM.
Reeks: Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2021 Jan;238(1):83-94. doi: 10.1007/s00213-020-05660-3. Epub 2020 Sep 17. Erratum in: Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2020 Oct 29
Datum: 03-01-2021
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Home-EEG assessment of possible compensatory mechanisms for sleep disruption in highly irregular shift workers - The ANCHOR study.

Auteurs: Mentink LJ, Thomas J, Melis RJF, Olde Rikkert MGM, Overeem S, Claassen JAHR
Reeks: PLoS One. 2020 Dec 31;15(12):e0237622. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237622.
Datum: 31-12-2020
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Audio-based snore detection using deep neural networks.

Auteurs: Xie J, Aubert X, Long X, van Dijk J, Arsenali B, Fonseca P, Overeem S.
Reeks: Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2020 Dec 25;200:105917. doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2020.105917. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 25-12-2020
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Camera-based vital signs monitoring during sleep - A proof of concept study

Auteurs: Vangastel M, Stuijk S, Overeem S, Van Dijk J, Van Gilst MM, De Haan G
Reeks: IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2020 Dec 18;PP. doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2020.3045859. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 18-12-2020
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Effect of treatment on cognitive and attention problems in children with narcolepsy type 1.

Auteurs: Janssens KAM, Quaedackers L, Lammers GJ, Amesz P, van Mierlo P, Aarts L, Peeters E, Hendriks D, Vandenbussche N, Overeem S, Pillen S.
Reeks: Sleep. 2020 Dec 14;43(12):zsaa114. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa114
Datum: 14-12-2020
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Two sides of a coin: differential response to COVID-19 distancing measures in children with narcolepsy

Auteurs: Quaedackers L, Overeem S, Pillen S
Reeks: J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 Dec 9. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.9040. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 09-12-2020
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Direct application of an ECG-based sleep staging algorithm on reflective photoplethysmography data decreases performance.

Auteurs: van Gilst MM, Wulterkens BM, Fonseca P, Radha M, Ross M, Moreau A, Cerny A, Anderer P, Long X, van Dijk JP, Overeem S.
Reeks: BMC Res Notes. 2020 Nov 10;13(1):513. doi: 10.1186/s13104-020-05355-0
Datum: 10-11-2020
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Obstructive sleep apnea in people with intellectual disabilities: adherence to and effect of CPAP

Auteurs: van den Broek N, Broer L, Vandenbussche N, Tan I, Overeem S, Pillen S.
Reeks: Sleep Breath. 2020 Oct 21. doi: 10.1007/s11325-020-02221-y. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 21-10-2020
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Multilevel Interval Coded Scoring to Assess the Cardiovascular Status of Sleep Apnea Patients using Oxygen Saturation Markers.

Auteurs: Deviaene M, Borzee P, Van Gilst M, Van Dijk J, Overeem S, Buyse B, Testelmans D, Huffel SV, Varon C.
Reeks: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2020 Oct;67(10):2839-2848. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2020.2972126
Datum: 01-10-2020
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Model-Based Evaluation of Methods for Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Estimation

Auteurs: MoralesTellez JF, Moeyersons J, Armanac P, Orini M, Faes L, Overeem S, Van Gilst M, Van Dijk J, Huffel SV, Bailon R, Varon C
Reeks: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2020 Oct 1;PP. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2020.3028204. Epub ahead of print
Datum: 01-10-2020
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Automatic sleep staging using heart rate variability, body movements, and recurrent neural networks in a sleep disordered population

Auteurs: Fonseca P, van Gilst MM, Radha M, Ross M, Moreau A, Cerny A, Anderer P, Long X, van Dijk JP, Overeem S.
Reeks: Sleep. 2020 Sep 14;43(9):zsaa048. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa048
Datum: 14-09-2020
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Four-Year Follow-up of [18 F]Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Based Parkinson's Disease-Related Pattern Expression in 20 Patients With Isolated Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder Shows Prodromal Progression.

Auteurs: Kogan RV, Janzen A, Meles SK, Sittig E, Renken RJ, Gurvits V, Mayer G, Leenders KL, Oertel WH; REMPET Working Group (o.a. Overeem S, Pijpers A)
Reeks: Mov Disord. 2020 Sep 10. doi: 10.1002/mds.28260. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 10-09-2020
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New 2013 incidence peak in childhood narcolepsy: more than vaccination?

Auteurs: Zhang Z, Gool J, Fronczek R, Dauvilliers Y, Bassetti CLA, Mayer G, Plazzi G, Pizza F, Santamaria J, Partinen M, Overeem S, Peraita-Adrados R, da Silva AM, Sonka K, Del Rio-Villegas R, Heinzer R, Wierzbicka A, Young P, Högl B, Manconi M, Feketeova E, Mathis J, Paiva T, Canellas F, Lecendreux M, Baumann CR, Lammers GJ, Khatami R.
Reeks: Sleep. 2020 Sep 10:zsaa172. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa172. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 10-09-2020
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Effects of long-term sleep disruption on cognitive function and brain amyloid-β burden: a case-control study

Auteurs: Thomas J, Ooms SJ, Mentink LJ, Booij J, Olde Rikkert MGM, Overeem S, Kessels RPC, Claassen J.
Reeks: Alzheimers Res Ther. 2020 Aug 26;12(1):101. doi: 10.1186/s13195-020-00668-5.
Datum: 26-08-2020
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Modelling Sleep Onset Misperception in Insomnia.

Auteurs: Hermans LWA, van Gilst MM, Regis M, van den Heuvel LCE, Langen H, van Mierlo P, Krijn R, Hoondert B, Maass H, van Dijk JP, Leufkens TRM, Overeem S.
Reeks: Sleep. 2020 Feb 4. pii: zsaa014. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa014. [Epub ahead of print]
Datum: 12-08-2020
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Shift-work-related sleep disruption and the risk of decline in cognitive function: The CRUISE Study.

Auteurs: Thomas J, Overeem S, Dresler M, Kessels RPC, Claassen JAHR.
Reeks: J Sleep Res. 2020 Jun 8:e13068. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13068. [Epub ahead of print]
Datum: 08-06-2020
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Respiratory Activity Extracted From Wrist-Worn Reflective Photoplethysmography in a Sleep-Disordered Population

Auteurs: Papini GB, Fonseca P, van Gilst MM, Bergmans JWM, Vullings R, Overeem S
Reeks: Physiol Meas. 2020 May 19. doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/ab9481. Epub ahead of print.
Datum: 19-05-2020
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Sleep onset (mis)perception in relation to sleep fragmentation, time estimation and pre-sleep arousal

Auteurs: Hermans L, Nano M, Leufkens T, van Gilst M, Overeem S
Reeks: Sleep Med. 2020 Mar 28. 100014. doi:10.1016/j.sleepx.2020.100014 [Epub ahead of print]
Datum: 28-03-2020
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HLA associations in narcolepsy type 1 persist after the 2009 H1N1 pandemic.

Auteurs: Schinkelshoek M, Fronczek R, Verduijn W, Haasnoot G, Overeem S, Donjacour C, van der Heide A, Roelen D, Claas F, Lammers GJ.
Reeks: J Neuroimmunol. 2020 Mar 4;342:577210. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2020.577210. [Epub ahead of print]
Datum: 04-03-2020
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Lying Awake at Night: Cardiac Autonomic Activity in Relation to Sleep Onset and Maintenance.

Auteurs: Nano M, Fonseca P, Overeem S, Vullings R, Aarts RM.
Reeks: Front Neurosci. 2020 Jan 15;13:1405. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.01405. eCollection 2019.
Datum: 15-01-2020
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A Mobile App for Longterm Monitoring of Narcolepsy Symptoms: Design, Development, and Evaluation.

Auteurs: Quaedackers L, De Wit J, Pillen S, Van Gilst M, Batalas N, Lammers GJ, Markopoulos P, Overeem S.
Reeks: JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2020 Jan 7;8(1):e14939. doi: 10.2196/14939.
Datum: 07-01-2020
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Estimation of the apnea-hypopnea index in a heterogeneous sleep-disordered population using optimised cardiovascular features

Auteurs: Papini GB, Fonseca P, van Gilst MM, van Dijk JP, Pevernagie DAA, Bergmans JWM, Vullings R, Overeem S.
Reeks: Sci Rep 2019; 9(1): 17448-17448. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-53403-y.
Datum: 26-11-2019
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Protocol of the SOMNIA project: an observational study to create a neurophysiological database for advanced clinical sleep monitoring

Auteurs: van Gilst MM, van Dijk JP, Krijn R, Hoondert B, Fonseca P, van Sloun RJG, Arsenali B, Vandenbussche N, Pillen S, Maass H, van den Heuvel L, Haakma R, Leufkens TR, Lauwerijssen C, Bergmans JWM, Pevernagie D, Overeem S.
Reeks: BMJ Open. 2019 Nov 25;9(11):e030996. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030996.
Datum: 25-11-2019
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Long-Term Occupational Sleep Loss and Post-Retirement Cognitive Decline or Dementia.

Auteurs: Thomas J, Overeem S, Claassen JAHR.
Reeks: Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2019;48(1-2):105-112. doi: 10.1159/000504020. Epub 2019 Nov 14.
Datum: 14-11-2019
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Sleep-Cognition Hypothesis In maritime Pilots, what is the effect of long-term work-related poor sleep on cognition and amyloid accumulation in healthy middle-aged maritime pilots: methodology of a case-control study

Auteurs: Thomas J, Ooms S, Verbeek M, Booij J, Rijpkema M, Kessels RPC, Overeem S, Claassen J
Reeks: BMJ Open. 2019 Jun 27;9(6):e026992. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026992.
Datum: 27-06-2019
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The impact of delayed sleep phase disorder on adolescents and their family

Auteurs: Montie K, Quaedackers L, Perlitius V, van der Horst E, Vandenbussche N, Overeem S, Pillen S
Reeks: Sleep Med. 2019 Jun 22;64:15-22. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2019.05.022. [Epub ahead of print]
Datum: 22-06-2019
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Determinants of perceived sleep quality in normal sleepers.

Auteurs: Goelema MS - Regis M - Haakma R - Van Den Heuvel ER - Markopoulos P - Overeem S
Reeks: Behav Sleep Med. 2019 Jul-Aug;17(4):388-397. doi: 10.1080/15402002.2017.1376205. Epub 2017 Oct 12.
Datum: 04-06-2019
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Design and evaluation of a negotiation-based sleep scheduler app for insomnia treatment

Auteurs: Erten-Uyumaz B, Ahuja M, Vacaretu T, Rama MD, Overeem S, Visser T, Hu J, Feijs L.
Reeks: PervasiveHealth'19. Proceedings of the 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. 2019. p. 225-233. doi: 10.1145/3329189.3329218
Datum: 23-05-2019
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Sleep EEG Characteristics Associated with Sleep Onset Misperception

Auteurs: Hermans L, Leufkens T, van Gilst M, Weysen T, Ross M, Anderer P, Overeem S, Vermeeren A.
Reeks: Sleep Med. 2019 May;57:70-79. doi:
Datum: 01-05-2019
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Brain Glucose Metabolism Heterogeneity in Idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and in Parkinson's Disease

Auteurs: Arnaldi D, Meles SK, Giuliani A, Morbelli S, Renken RJ, Janzen A, Mayer G, Jonsson C, Oertel WH, Nobili F, Leenders KL, Pagani M. Collaborators: Sittig-Wiegand E, Depboylu C, Reetz K, Overeem S, Pijpers A, Reesink FE, van Laar T, Teune LK, Höffken H, Luster M, Timmermann L, Kesper K, Adriaanse SM, Booij J, Sambuceti G, Girtler N.
Reeks: J Parkinsons Dis 2019; 9(1): 229-239. doi: 10.3233/jpd-181468
Datum: 05-02-2019
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Impaired social functioning in children with narcolepsy

Auteurs: Quaedackers L, van Gilst MM, van Mierlo P, Lammers GJ, Dhondt K, Amesz P, Peeters E, Hendriks D, Vandenbussche N, Pillen S, Overeem S.
Reeks: Sleep. 2019 Feb 1;42(2). doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsy228.
Datum: 01-02-2019
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