Residential Epilepsy Care
Arranging an indication for the Center for Residential Epilepsy Care
If your patient or client can no longer live at home or in a regular care institution because of an intellectual and/or physical disability, the Center for Residential Epilepsy Care at Kempenhaeghe might offer a good alternative.
We offer children and adults a safe and warm home, with attention for the impact of the epilepsy.

CIZ-indication for residential epilepsy care
Our specialized residential care is part of the care for the intellectually disabled and, therefore, financed through the long-term care law. This means and indication if required from the Centrum Indicatiestelling Zorg (CIZ).
Kempenhaeghe provides all care profiles in the category care for the intellectually disabled. Most of our resident have an indication for the most severe categories. Staff from the Advice & Information desk of the Social Services department at Kempenhaeghe can support your client’s caregivers in requesting this indication from the CIZ.
Consulting colleagues
Would you like to consult a doctor for the intellectually disabled at the Center for Residential Epilepsy Care?
Please contact us via +31 40 227 94 08 and ask for the care service bureau.
Aligning the best possible residential care
After an indication has been awarded, the client’s caregiver can contact our care service bureau. We will be happy to discuss which of our residential and/or daily activity options best fit the client. Of course, we will always involve you, as the care giver who knows the client well. And even though we take over the care for the client, we consider you, as the referrer, as an important partner with whom we want to exchange experiences and share findings.
We take into account the personal wishes of the client, information on the epilepsy, the seriousness of the seizures, treatment and prognosis, additional intellectual, physical or sensory disabilities and disorders in the candidate-resident’s behavior or mood. Your client might possibly be put on a waiting list. Placement depends on the space available and the level of urgency.