What happens during a visit to the outpatient clinic?
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An appointment in the outpatient clinic

For your first visit to the outpatient clinic you must bring along a number of items. These are: your proof of insurance, valid proof of identity and a current medication overview. We advise that prior to your appointment, you make a list of things you want to discuss. Don’t hesitate to ask for additional information if there is something you do not understand. Or ask for written information, allowing you to read it all afterwards.

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During your visit

In the outpatient clinic you first go to the front desk. We schedule ample time for your first consult, to allow you and your child to extensively talk about the reason for referral.

After the first consult, neuro-psychological examinations will most likely take place. These examinations are planned as soon as possible. The examinations will last a day. Sometimes, lengthy EEG-examinations and observations are required. In this case, you and your child will – at a later time - have to spend a night at Kempenhaeghe.

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Following your visit

The analysis of the examination results usually takes several weeks. This means that you will have to return at a later date to discuss the results with the pediatric neurologist and the clinical neuro-psychologist.

When the examinations are done, your child’s regular doctor and/or care provider will continue with the advised treatment or support. The Center for Neurological Learning and Development Disabilities will accompany this back-referral with the best possible care.

Sometimes it is not possible to arrive at an exact diagnosis. If you agree with us, we will invite your child after some time for re-examination.