Contact Kempenhaeghe

Address: Sterkselseweg 65, 5591 VE Heeze
Mailing address: Postbus 61, 5590 AB Heeze

T (040) 227 94 00

Address: Muldersteeg 6, 4901 ZG Oosterhout
Mailing address: Postbus 250, 4900 AG Oosterhout

T (076) 209 3700

Navigation adress: Pasteurlaan 9
Disabled parking: Muldersteeg 6

Read and speak

Do you have a question, remark or suggestion?

Of course, you can reach Kempenhaeghe by phone, but we prefer that you fill out the contact form. With this form you can direct your question to the center or service of your choice.

You can safely send us your information, questions, remarks or suggestions via the form below. Kempenhaeghe treats all information according to the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG), the current European privacy legislation.

We ask that you not use this contact form for urgent questions or matters. This also applies to sending us medical or privacy-sensitive information.

Are you, your child or family member being treated at Kempenhaeghe? Please refer your questions concerning examinations or treatment directly to (the secretary of) your treating physician. To do so, you may use the digital portal

Do you wan’t to refer a patient? Please use the referral form under ‘Referrer’ on this website.

Thank you for your interest in Kempenhaeghe. We will be happy to help you further.